Wear Hear Share your emotions
The Challenge
The way the world has been progressing over the past few decades has prevented us from being in touch with our emotions and emotionally connecting with others. This status quo makes it harder to create more than surface-level relationships. It is disheartening given the fact that we have greater access to people than ever before.
The Insight
Emoki enables us to take full advantage of these connections and cultivate deep relationships. With its neuro-dynamic sensors, we can connect emotionally with ourselves, others, and the environment in a way that doesn’t require archaic methods of robot translation.
The outcome
Transparently experience how others are feeling and let them experience yours. Through interaction - fuse your emotions with others - to create a unique sound as an output, fostering deep relationships from the get-go. Become more conscious of how you are feeling every moment of the day rather than being mildly aware of emotions on a subconscious level. With Emoki, society is more present, empathetic, and truthful. Stop hiding behind pretenses and step into deeper emotional connections.
concept work
Developed and displayed as a concept piece for Design 22, an NYC Design Week 2022 event held at frog studios. The project emoki asks audiences to reflect on their connections with others and how oversharing and data gathering may impact our futures for the better or worse.