Ros skincare

Introducing Asian Skincare to the North American Market


The Challenge

The client reached out to Fahrenheit 212 for a strategy to bring Watery Lotion to the North American market in a way that spoke to core consumers in the region.

The Insight

After qualitative and quantitative research, we found that the skincare approach in Asia and North America was vastly different, and each market had varying levels of dedication to multi-step processes. With North Americans often look for a one-and-done solution to their skincare needs.

The outcome

Rather than market watery skincare as a single step in the process, we focused on developing a single-step solution for younger skin to introduce consumers to the products. We tested market interest with the development of a burner brand, resulting in a strategy playbook for the brand to develop and market its products in the North American market.


Creating a burner brand

Through the development of a burner brand to test our concepts we developed a visual language as well as Instagram ads aimed at the core market for quick testing to back up our claims with data.