La Dolce Cucina

Storytelling the Italian Kitchen

The challenge

Aster Cucine, a luxury Italian kitchen brand, had trouble setting their showroom apart from the competition. With a strong history in handmade custom kitchens, Aster struggled to attract clients to the showroom within the competitive landscape of concept stores in Milan.


The Insight

Conducting a competitive and brand analysis the team found that 70% of Ater's sales come from outside Italy, with the majority of showroom visitors being international clientele. Focusing on international clients we decided to rebrand the Aster image as the "Italian Kitchen", though the vehicle of movie magic and the story of La Dolce Vita, create a whirlwind romance that inspired nostalgia and Italian Storytelling.

the outcome

A three-tiered spatial experience paying homage to "La Dolce Vita", taking story elements from Fellini's film and connecting them to the Aster brand. Transforming the space into three distinct experience zones: Watch, Enter, and Produce Each telling the story through a different lens: the audience, the character, and the actor. Creating an immersive experience that lets the customer immerse themselves in the experience of Aster Cucine.


Crafting a memorable story through nostalgic narratives

Aster zoning.jpg


Watch the Movie

Go to the Cinema

From the exterior, the customers can watch the movie of "Aster Cucine" through large showroom windows. Making the street a cinema for pedestrians to see the story of Aster Cucine. Moving between windows lets pedestrians view different scenes from the film.


Enter the Movie

Become Marcello

Entering the showroom to become the main character, participants join the story of "La Dolce Cucina." The experience continues guiding them through five memorable scenes from the film. Each scene educates future customers about how to create their perfect kitchen. Creating an immersive and educational experience.

SENSUAL TOUCH Material & Texture

AMOROUS AFFAIR Function & Storage

WHISPER CHAMBER Detail & Craftmanship

CHA CHA CLUB Layout & Dimension

ETERNAL SPRING Equipment & Technology


Produce the film

make the decision

Finally, the basement of the showroom goes behind the scenes of Aster kitchens. Each kitchen "set" corresponds to a different mood by Aster Cucine: Traditional, Transitional, Modern, Factory, and Luxury Glamour. The traditional "set" also doubles as a center for company literature and sales.