
Get comfortable with the uncomfortable

The Challenge

With a recent rebranding of Wired Italia's "bookazine", Wired Italia wanted to create a unique and exciting Wired Next festival that spoke to their target audience through eye-catching concepts and deployment.

The Insight

Using qualitative and quantitative user research to find concepts and touchpoints that aligned most with Wired Italia's user base and incorporated social, political, and technological themes through the creation of "Mutation", a look at a dystopian future and our mutation as a species to navigate the world. 

The Outcome

The creation of conceptual and schematic design for the Wire Next Fest event, from pre-event advertisements to event art installations and speaker panels, and swag to take home. Helping Wired Italia's target demographic to not only passively interact with their content, but become immersed in the conversation about the future.



Mutating our perceptions In technology and art



Customized billboards fitted with an interactive social experiment challenge pedestrians to take a chance and reach into the dark. Silmatenout video footage is taken of their reactions with a call to action that the "mutated" unknown doesn't have to be so scary, especially with Wired as the curator.

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An interactive art installation or "hero point" inspired by the artworks of Dan Lam who creates pieces that "live between the worlds of the beautiful and ugly. . ." This location acts as a central wayfinding spot during the festival that uses technology to interact with guests and becomes a playground for children and adults.

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SWAG for the guest center around images of mutated beings, combinations of creatures, elements, and technology resulting in eye-catching graphics that show off the event and create a tangible memory.


Research Plan


Identify the target audience that is reading Wired Italia in order to improve brand cohesion in the event and develop a strong event awareness.


Hashtag | Survey | Social Media | Interview


Number of participants: 24

Ages: 25-58

Nationality: Italian

Occupation: Graphic Designers, Architects, Engineers

Interview Questions

1. What do you think of the Wired Italia brand?

2. Do you feel part of the Wired community?

3. Do you go on the website of Wired Italia?

4. How did you hear about the Wired Next Fest?

5. Why did you attend the festival?









Based on user research and tension points we developed a set of insights that helped us to develop a clear strategy for the event scheduling and content.

Educated readership

The magazine attracts a group of elite readers, with university degrees.

Diverse Audience

The audience ranged in the variety of their professions.

Limited Connectivity

Most participants didn't feel part of any community.

Low Web Traction

On average interviewees didn't use the website.

Event awareness

Most interviewees who went to the event, found it via social media.

Event focus

Interviewees reported they attended due to the music concert.

Pain points & Opportunities

From the research we could create personas that helped us create individual customer journeys, from there we created an average of the journeys to find what where the pain points and opportunities.

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