Elmers Slime Casting
Turning an iconic adhesive into the next cultural phenomenon
The challenge
A cultural phenomenon fell into the lap of one of Newell’s brands and seemingly overnight Elmer’s was enjoying the fruits of being an integral ingredient in the Slime craze to the tune of a nine-figure annual business. As the hype begins to fade, Newell must look to the future and figure out how to make lighting strike twice.
the insight
The category of kids’ play is messier than the play itself. No two businesses look at this mini-consumer the same way. Even business units within the organization can’t agree, as each sees them solely through the context of their products. By employing the Jobs to be Done Theory, we investigated the ‘jobs’ kids ‘hire’ each and everything they play with, from LEGOs to chalk, from video games to the cardboard box you were about to throw out. Through their tiny, adorable eyes we reframed the category as they saw it, and built out seven unique platforms where Elmer’s could create activities worthy of another craze.
the outcome
After defining these emerging patterns of play we believed could catalyze future growth, we deep-dived into the play pattern of casting and developed five distinct product prototypes with consumers, defined product portfolios, and helped retailers reimagine the activity aisle.
As an output of our work, Newell launched a new line of products in Walmart and Target in September of 2022 called "Elmer's Squishes", currently available in the market.
Uncovered through Art and Science
From an in-depth analysis of 500 research participants and parents, we received a large swatch of data. Through careful review, mixed with intuition, this process of art and science culminated in 8 insights, preceded by a review of the videos themselves.
Number of unique data points collected from kids and parents
Collective number of video views by survey respondents
Number of data points captured per video
World Building
Developed a set of five different toy worlds including underworld discoveries to space adventures, to help create strong and unique narratives that helped to drive the design and features of each toy.
Physical Prototypes
Developed physical prototypes based on world concepts and different molding practices to help R&D better understand usability by core target and feasibility of the products.
Crafting Videos for User-Research
Created 5 distinct crafting videos used to test consumer appeal to specific elements of making a casting creation.